All About the 9 Types
The Enneagram is an indepth personality tool, like an internal GPS, to help people know where they are, and where they are heading (whether on their best path or veering off course during times of stress), and how to get to their healthiest destination. Everyone experiences the world through their type, which has its own core longings, fears, & desire. Knowing your type can bring change in habits of relating and ways of perceiving, and allowing for personal growth in relationships, work, and the home, even if others around you don’t use the Enneagram.
So let’s talk about the 9 types and do a quick overview of each from a Mama point of view, because that’s my favorite
Type 1: The Moral Perfectionist: strong sense of right and wrong, fear being wrong or bad and long to hear, “You are good”. Mama 1s: will believe in schedules and organization for their kiddos and that their is a right and wrong way to do school…follow the rules and all will workout.
Type 2: The Supportive Advisor: love others, empathetic, can often see what others need before they know it, long to hear “ You are loved and appreciated.” Mama 2’s: want their kiddos to feel loved and taken care of, to have great friendships and feel supported.
Type 3: The Successful Achiever: the go-getters and “boss babes” who are driven, accomplished and can shape shift to fit in and be successful with any crowd. They long to hear, “You are loved for being you alone.” Mama 3s: are great at encouraging their kids to do more, will go above and beyond the curriculum in school to help their kiddos be successful.
Type 4: The Romantic Individualist: feel all the feelings, are amazing at feeling others’ hurt and sitting with them in it creative and tempermental, and want to be unique. They long to hear, “You are seen and loved for exactly who you are.” Mama 4’s: will want and allow their kiddos to express themselves and be unique, encourage individuality and will care about all of the feelings their kids have.
Type 5: The Investigative Thinker: the researchers and introspective learners, have less of a reserve of energy and have to conserve it for their loved ones, long to hear, “Your needs aren’t a problem.” Mama 5’s: will research all the various ways to school their children and come up with the best plan to allow their kids to thrive and grow.
Type 6: The Loyal Guardian: loyal, have an inner committee they are constantly struggling with to make decisions, able to look at all sides of issues and make the best plan, hard working. Long to hear, “You will be safe and secure.” Mama 6’s fear all of the things that will go wrong with homeschooling and virtual school, will fear their kids will fall behind and they won’t have support.
Type 7: The Enthusiastic Optimist: strong feelings of FOMO, live for the next adventure and fun, positive, avoid pain. Long to hear, “ You will be take care of.” Mama 7’s: want their kids to experience the joys of life and learn through enjoying and having fun.
Type 8: The Protective Challenger: very assertive, loyal, speak their minds and confront others, you will never wonder where you stand with an 8. They long to hear, “ You will not be betrayed.” Mama 8’s: will not tolerate any injustices towards their children, will always speak up and advocate for them and any underdogs.
Type 9: The Peaceful Advisor: they often can change to fit what is needed for in a group, they go along to get along. Easy going and patient, unless they are provoked over and over. Long to hear, “ Your presence matters.” Mama 9’s: will encourage their kiddos to be good workers and uphold the moral code and do what is asked of them, whether they agree with it or not.
That’s a wrap!! Curious and want to learn more or go deeper? Book a free clarity call with me!💗